Explore the body of the Titanic

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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Currently, there is a travel company serving tours of the Titanic in real life. Exploring the ship Titanic with more than £ 70,000 from May 2019.
Explore the body of the Titanic
The entire tour will take place over eight days, which takes about 3 days to dive into the sea floor.

If you are a fan of James Cameron’s 1998 blockbuster, you should try the tour once to witness the legendary ship in the ocean.

CNN travel said London-based travel company Blue Marble Private is planning to organize cruise tours from May 2019.

Blue Marble Company will cooperate with OceanGate expedition who created the submarine exploration submarine. The ship will carry passengers and crew more than 2 miles to the position of the ship under the Atlantic Ocean.

Of course, the tours will be very expensive, but for the value of the blue diamond that Rose threw stupidly into the ocean is still nothing. Blue Marble Company is selling tours for £ 78,500.

Don’t hesitate if you want to see the ship for the last time. Reports show that the Titanic could disappear within 20 years because the hull is slowly being corroded by bacteria eating iron.

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