Looking back at the cult technologies in the 80s and 90s

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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How was born and raised in the era of technology transfer different from other periods? Let’s find out through the image below.
Looking back at the cult technologies in the 80s and 90s
1.44 - The number is always engraved in the minds of children even though no school is teaching them.

Every generation has memories so we can look back on our youthful time with nostalgia. But you will feel lucky if it is because it’s an unprecedented era of technological change in history.

It will be interesting to now have a high-end iPhone to call, listen to music, a thin TV on the wall, or a hundreds of GB memory card, ... to look back at what we used to experience in the past.

Today’s smartphones are so convenient, the old physical phone keys are so difficult. If you want to enter the letter S, we must press the number key 7 to 4 times, and it takes a long time to complete the paragraph. The more difficult it is when we have to "guess" the messages without any sign. However, we are still passionate about texting friends and lovers ... strangely.

Collection that anyone has ever had for himself. Then at some point, you realize that they are just "junk."

Download speed is "like a turtle" that anyone has ever experienced. A few MB of data that day is a challenge.

When errors on Windows operating systems turn into fun in your eyes.

Instead of "glued" to smartphones like today, old children find everything around to be mischievous. And this is an extremely familiar image.

Want to play games? There are not many options for you.

The best is considered "text design" in the 90s. So you pity delete them because each WordArt weighs 3MB and cannot fit the size of a floppy disk.

This is your home TV, and where is their remote controller? It is you - the child is running back and forth to play a naughty computer.

Connecting to the Internet is not just a challenge.

"There is no free memory to store new messages"? Well, I have to delete some messages again.

"When you want to block someone’s call" in the 90s.

Things that keep you headache but don’t find a way to fix them so they can move at will.

Want to save time, there are not many choices.

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