Super volcano in America has the ability to wreak havoc globally

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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The crater inside Yellowstone National Park is dubbed a super volcano due to its global devastation in the event of a super eruption.
Super volcano in America has the ability to wreak havoc globally
Dr. Mike Poland talked about the threat posed by the Yellowstone super volcano.

This volcano was formed during the three most recent major events in the past 2.1 million years, with the most recent Lava Creek eruption occurring some 630,000 years ago.

Located underneath the states of Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho, the area is constantly monitored by the USGS for signs of possible repeat history.

Mike Poland, chief scientist at the Yellowstone Volcanic Observatory, has a detailed report on how researchers have uncovered the volcanic system’s secrets.

"The Yellowstone super-volcanic system is composed of many magma cavities. They have an unusual coating that melts deep below the surface. It is quite deep, about 24km or more from the surface, has low viscosity and flows very easily. easy, "said Dr. Poland.

The upper layer only melts between 5 and 15% and the lower one only melts about 2 to 5%. It’s a pliable area with a little bit of melting in the middle.

"Everyone knows about the giant explosions that end the world. They are huge explosions, not apocalyptic events, but there have been a few explosions that happened in two million times," said Dr. Poland. Three of them, one happened 2.1 million years ago, 1.3 million years less, and then 630,000 years ago, they formed the Yellowstone crater in the park. If it happened today, it would be very dire for the central part of America. "

Scientists have made simulations of how the ash will fall and the ash will cover much of the United States. This is likely what happened when this crater first formed 631,000 years ago.

Fortunately, however, scientists calculate the odds of super-volcanic eruptions in the United States so far away, they happen once or twice every million years.

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