Discovered twins of the mysterious 9th planet of the Solar System

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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Astronomers have discovered a possible twin-brother object with the mysterious ninth planet in the Solar System, located 336 light years from Earth.
Discovered twins of the mysterious 9th planet of the Solar System

This object is about the size of Jupiter but 11 times the mass of this star, orbit very far from its parent star. This is reflected in an article published in The Astronomical Journal.

Scientists have discovered an extrasolar planet (exoplanet, exoplanet) that is very far away from the twin star HD 106906 and the ice debris belt. In the Solar System there is a similar ring known as the Kuiper Belt and is outside of Neptune’s orbit. This gaseous giant formed with the star 15 million years ago suggests that the ninth planet may have formed at the dawn of the Solar System, 4.6 billion years ago. .

This exoplanet is very far away from a pair of young stars, at a distance of 730 times the distance between Earth and the Sun. This makes it difficult to calculate the orbital parameters because the orbit has an elongated and inclined shape. Scientists believe that the reason is because the planet initially moves closer to the binary star, then due to the impact of gravity, it is almost thrown out of the planetary system. And this giant gas mass’s orbit stabilizes again thanks to a passing star.

Astronomers suggest that a similar scenario could be similar to that of the 9th planet of the Solar System. It may have formed in the inner part of the Solar System and was ejected from it by interacting with Jupiter, after which its orbit stabilized again thanks to the gravitational fields of the passing stars.

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