The 4-month-old crows can be as smart as adults

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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According to a new study, scientists have found that the cognitive abilities of four-month-old crows are on par with adult apes.
The 4-month-old crows can be as smart as adults

To prove it, the researchers performed a series of experiments with crows of different ages to test their memory, communication and learning abilities.

They test an object’s ability to understand relative numbers and additions, as well as its ability to grasp the longevity of objects.

"For example, to investigate whether a crow knows where the food is located, we hide the snack under a cup, and move it quickly back and forth between other empty cups. A crow chooses the one. the cup by pecking or pointing at it with a beak, while a chimpanzee will do this with their fingers, "said researcher Miriam Sima.

Tests showed that all eight crows, aged 4, 8, 12 and 16 months, had similar intelligence. This shows that the species’ cognitive abilities develop at a fairly rapid rate, meaning that the crows reach cognitive maturity after four months. During this time, the first birds tend to be independent and begin to explore their surroundings.

Crows show individual differences in their cognitive abilities. But overall, eight birds were best at adding and understanding relative numbers and were less proficient in memory.

When the authors of the new study compared crows’ performance to 106 chimpanzees and 32 orangutans, they found that the birds had the same cognitive abilities as apes.

"Our results show that crows not only have social intelligence, but also develop sophisticated cognitive skills to deal with the physical world," the researchers emphasized.

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