Traveling outside into space does not increase the risk of cancer

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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Traveling into space is a sho‌ck to the human body. Although every system in the body is altered due to the state of microgravity, bone loss of calcium, muscle loss of mass and body fluid shift towards the head, but does not increase the risk of cancer.
Traveling outside into space does not increase the risk of cancer
Current astronauts flying into space are not likely to have cancer.

Another risk for astronauts is the increase in cosmic radiation. On Earth, we are protected by the planet’s magnetic field. Beyond the magnetosphere, the rise of cosmic rays is before going to bed, the astronauts sometimes see light rays because these particles touch the retina.

Clearly, the increase in radiation may also lead to increased rates of cancer. Therefore, scientists were curious to find out whether people who ever flew into space actually experienced a higher incidence of disease.

Published in a recent scientific report, a group of Russian-American researchers reviewed historical data on 301 astronauts and 117 astronauts who have been in space since 1959.

A potential link between space and increased risk of cancer has been studied for a long time, but previous analyzes could not find any strong evidence in one way or another.

This new study reaffirms all of that historical data and concludes that there is nothing in the universe that leads to an increase in cardiovascular disease or cancer death.

Although this is interesting news, it is important to remember that space travel has changed significantly in the past 30 years.

Another important thing to note is that it is important to emphasize that future space exploration missions will probably provide much greater space radiation than is known in history.

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