Scientists explain the mystery of methane on Mars

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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Has long scientists have speculated about the possibility of existence of life on Mars, with recent polls focused on the water on the Red Planet or not. However, the most attractive is still the existence of methane that makes the scientific world headache.
Scientists explain the mystery of methane on Mars
The existence of methane on Mars has been discovered by scientists.

A group of interdisciplinary researchers from Aarhus University recently conducted a study to explore possible mechanisms to remove methane from Mars’s atmosphere.

The scientific debate concerning the possibility of life on Mars has increased over the past 15 years, when studies have found methane, an organic molecule that is involved in many forms of life here. Earth in the Martian atmosphere.

In their study, published in the journal Icarus, wind erosion can cause methane to become compounds such as methyl, methylene and carbine.

Using Mars-like minerals, the team discovered that these solids could be oxidized and ionized gases during erosion. This proves that the methane reaction is ionized and linked to the mineral surface.

Based on these results, the team concluded that this mechanism could explain how to remove methane from the Martian atmosphere and settle in its soil.

However, the presence of these compounds also means that it is unlikely that life could exist on or near the surface of Mars.

New research will also be used for future Mars discovery missions to look for signs of life.

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