Detecting a taboo planet

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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A team of international experts has discovered an extremely rare planet in the universe, and nicknamed it “taboo planet“.
Detecting a taboo planet
Visualize the artist about planet NGTS-4b

Officially named NGTS-4b, this planet is three times larger than Earth and 20% smaller than Hai Vuong Tinh. Its mass is 20 times that of the globe, while the surface temperature also eats Mercury when it is hot to 1,000 o C. NGTS-4b takes only 1.3 days to complete the revolution around the central star. And what’s most surprising is that the planet is surrounded by the atmosphere, according to a report on the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

NGTS-4b is also the first extraterrestrial planet of this type to be found in the area that astronomers call the "Hai Vuong Desert". This is the term for the spatial domain close to the stars, where Neptune-sized planets have never appeared, so far. That is because the planets will be continually submerged in radiation radiating from the central star, so they cannot maintain their own atmosphere. Consequently, the atmosphere surrounding the planet is blown away and only remains in stone. However, by the time experts observed NGTS-4b still had its atmosphere.

Astronomers come up with two hypotheses: one is a "taboo planet" that has just strayed into the Neptune Desert about 1 million years ago, or itself has been much larger, and the atmosphere is in the evaporation stage. "NGTS-4b must be in a very difficult situation - it is within the region where we think no similar planet could exist", according to CNN quoted author Richard West of the University of Warwick ( Brother). The finding also marks the first time astronomers have discovered planets moving across a star whose brightness is less than 0.2 percent, by means of telescopes on earth.

Newly anticipated achievements allow us to open up efforts to find more planets in the future and deploy missions to hunt planets like the US Aerospace Agency working with the TESS project.

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