He developed a bracelet that recognizes user emotions

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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According to a report at the conference discussing interactive design systems - Designing Interactive System Conference - the 19th time in San di‌ego, USA, scientists from Lancaster University, England, have developed the bracelet with Can change color, can increase temperature, squeeze the wrist or vibrate in response to changes in sweat glands.
He developed a bracelet that recognizes user emotions
Bracelets can act as a bridge between mind and body, helping people control emotions - Photo: Lancaster University, England

This product may be helpful for people with depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder.

Mohammad Umair, one of the developers, shared that scientists want to create simple prototypes at low cost for patients with diseases that make it difficult to control themselves. The idea is to develop self-help technologies that people can use in everyday life. That bracelet can act as a bridge between mind and body, helping people control their emotions.

The electrical activity of the skin reflects a person’s emotional state. Changes in the activity of sweat glands are measured by electrodes from the fingertips, palms, soles of the feet, forehead and the underarm area. The relationship between the skin’s mental state and electrical activity was first discovered in 1879. Both positive and negative stimuli can lead to an increase in the electrical conductivity of the skin. And so the skin’s electrical activity signal determines not the type of emotion, but the intensity of the emotion.

In tests, prototypes were distributed to 12 users wearing them for more than 2 days. Participants with a prototype on their wrists performed an action on the following list: working, talking, watching movies, laughing, resting or frightened.

As a result, test participants began to pay attention to immediate emotional reactions. This gives them the opportunity to realize that their mood has changed and understand why.

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