Why the Alien Civilizations of the Universe will not allow a nuclear war on Earth (clip)

Star Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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Several hints point to superior beings on other worlds defending us from a new nuclear war. Military staff at US Army nuclear bases have confirmed unidentified anomalies since 1948, and nuclear launch commands have been deactivated on many occasions.
Why the Alien Civilizations of the Universe will not allow a nuclear war on Earth (clip)

On March 16, 1967, at Malmstrom Air Base in Montana, where the Minuteman nuclear missile is stationed, Robert Salas, a retired US Air Force captain, claims to have witnessed such an incident.

Salas reveals that the US Air Force is lying about the national security ramifications of alien ships intruding into the space of a nuclear-weapons-carrying aerial base.

“I was at work when an unidentified entity appeared over the silo where the rockets were stored and started to float,” the Captain says.”

“Ten warheads were deactivated at the time, and another silo was deactivated a week later. These flying artifacts are very concerned with our nuclear warheads.” Military officers in England and Russia have submitted similar testimonies.

While seeing nuclear tests I performed at a press conference arranged by Robert Hastings of Albuquerque, a well-known UFO expert, more than 120 former military officers seemed to have seen more UFOs flying over these rocket silos.

According to astronaut Edgar Mitchell, who was recently interested in the Wikileaks Podesta e-mail controversy, aliens have come to Earth to prevent a nuclear war.

Mitchell claims that UFOs were apparent over the world’s first nuclear test, which took place in the White Sands desert of New Mexico on July 16, 1945.

Extraterrestrials do not wish to battle humanity in a nuclear war, and at least one alien race is committed to maintaining the earth on the moon.

A number of hypotheses exist as to why aliens would not want a nuclear war to take place. Nuclear bombs jeopardize the passage of time and the very existence of our universe.

The aliens have constructed a defensive barrier around the Earth to defend it from any nuclear explosions that may exist on the soil. A spirit destroyed by a nuclear blast is dispersed across the world, with fragments entering and consuming various entities.

In the universe, there are special entities that gather these soul fragments and reassemble them into a single eternal soul. The Illuminati, a demonic organization, is planning a nuclear as‌sault from space.

On September 11, 2001, nuclear power’s target-oriented strategic missiles were unveiled in space all over the world. The twin towers were reduced to ruins as a result of such a rocket.

 Video: UFO shooting down a warhead !!MUST WATCH!!


 Video: ufo DISABLES US missile


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