A Mothership flew by the Moon with two smaller UFOs, according to a Skywatcher clip

Star Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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An alien mothership has been captured over the moon, according to internet conspiracy theorists, followed by multiple tiny UFOs.
A Mothership flew by the Moon with two smaller UFOs, according to a Skywatcher clip

In unusual footage taken by an amateur skywatcher, four objects can be seen flying along the lunar horizon.

Before disappearing behind the moon, a larger “craft” emerges in the centre, flanked by three smaller UFos.

The video was uploaded to YouTube by Skywatch International, an amateur skywatcher.

It has now been re-posted on UFOmania, a well-known conspiracy channel.

“It seems to be a fleet of UFOs, a massive mothership joined by several smaller UFOs,” they wrote in the video review.

Since then, the video has been watched over 6,000 times, with many users taking to the comments section to voice their views.

“They’re landing at one of the bases on the side of the moon that isn’t visible from Earth,” one said.

One speculated, “Most likely alien ships.”

Some suspected that the government’s mysterious Space Force was in action. Others, on the other hand, said the video was a fake.

 Video: Strange Objects Passing The Moon | Top UFO Sightings 2019


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