The Pentagon confirms that they have in possession “off-world vehicles that were not created on this planet” (UFOs)

Susucn Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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The Pentagon seems to have slipped under the radar for the longest time, as despite being one of the most technologically sophisticated sites on the planet, it was widely forgotten by most theorists when it came to alien technology.
The Pentagon confirms that they have in possession “off-world vehicles that were not created on this planet” (UFOs)
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However, a Pentagon official recently spoke with Popular Mechanics about this, stating that the government program looked at being able to search for unmanned aerial vehicles with relative ease, as well as being able to detect UFOs and other strange objects before they are even seen by humans.

Xem Video: ☢️UFO DISCLOSURE:☢️ Pentagon About to Release Findings of "OFF WORLD VEHICLES NOT MADE ON THIS EARTH

Recent developments, on the other hand, have shown that the government is solely focused on this concept at the Office of Naval Intelligence, where it has also formed a task force called the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon task force that will work toward achieving its mission of detecting any sighting and disclosing it before it can even reach the atmosphere of our world.

The US Navy has previously released three videos of these UFOs being detected and caught, but this is not something we can dismiss.

According to a June Senate Committee report, the task force will be operational by 2021, and they will be working for the benefit of humanity to identify all foreign regimes that could pose a danger to the United States.

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