Trump explained that the United States was slower than Russia in making Covid-19 vaccine

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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US President Donald Trump hopes the first Russian-made Covid-19 vaccine will work effectively and announced that Washington also has a vaccine soon.
Trump explained that the United States was slower than Russia in making Covid-19 vaccine
President Donald Trump (Image: Getty)

When asked about a rapidly growing Russian vaccine to prevent Covid-19, President Trump said at a press conference on August 14, he hoped that the vaccine would work effectively.

The White House owner also stated that the US may soon have good information to share when it successfully develops Covid-19 vaccine.

“We don’t know much about Russian vaccines. We hope it will work, ”Mr. Trump said.

President Trump said the US Covid-19 vaccine could be approved and distributed by the end of this year.

Trump also explained that the US vaccines took longer to manufacture, saying that the United States needed a longer testing process.

“They (Russia) have reduced certain tests, and we feel it’s important to complete the process. We have many different vaccines that we think will work well, but we want to implement an experimental system, ”Trump added.

Regarding who will be the first to be vaccinated with Covid-19 in the US, President Trump said "elderly" people living in nursing homes will have early access to the vaccine. As for himself, the US president said he could be "the first or the last" to be vaccinated.

About 20 countries have ordered a vaccine Covid-19, also known as Sputnik V, made by Russia. Some countries offer to cooperate with Russia to manufacture and distribute this vaccine. Moscow says hundreds of millions of doses of the vaccine could be produced each year worldwide.

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