American advisors warn of consequences if they float to gain community immunity

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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White House Counselor Anthony Fauci warns that floating to achieve public immunity to Covid-19 in the US will lead to dire consequences, given the US 18 consecutive days of more than 1,000 deaths from the epidemic.
American advisors warn of consequences if they float to gain community immunity
America's leading epidemiologist Anthony Fauci (Image: Reuters)

Dr Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases on August 14, said that if the United States allows Covid-19 to spread on a large scale to achieve public immunity, the number of deaths due to epidemic can be very large, especially among vulnerable groups.

"If everyone has it, even though the majority have no symptoms, many people will di‌e," warned the White House adviser on infectious diseases.

“Let’s look at the numbers of Americans who are obese, have high blood pressure and have diabetes. If everyone were infected, the death toll would be very large and completely unacceptable, ”Mr. Fauci said.

Community immunity is achieved when 70-90% of the population is immune to pathogens. It is not clear whether people who have recovered from Covid-19 will develop immunity, but it is argued that if pathogens are allowed to spread, community immunity will be more likely to develop. However, experts warn that this will be a catastrophic scenario for hospitals when doctors are overloaded and there will inevitably be more deaths.

According to Worldometers website , the US currently has over 5.47 million Covid-19 cases and more than 171,000 people have di‌ed from the epidemic. John Hopkins University said August 13 is the 18th day in a row that the United States has had more than 1,000 deaths from the epidemic.

US media leads a new study, predicting that in the next three weeks the number of deaths from the epidemic in the US could reach the 189,000 mark.

The US is currently the largest epidemic zone in the world, in the context of the world with over 21 million cases and more than 762,000 deaths.

After the US is Brazil with more than 3.2 million cases and over 106,000 deaths. India is currently the third largest epidemic area in the world with over 2.5 million cases and more than 49,000 deaths.

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