Potential asteroids are flying towards the Earth

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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Asteroid 163 348 (2002 NN4), the size of a football field, potentially dangerous to humanity, will fly close to Earth.
Potential asteroids are flying towards the Earth

The object was discovered in 2002. It is predicted that on June 6 at around 10:20 (Hanoi time) it will fly over our planet at a minimum distance. The distance between the asteroid and the Earth will be 5.93 million km.

The minimum distance from the asteroid to the Earth will be 13 times greater than the distance from its orbit to the Moon.

The asteroid’s orbit crosses the Earth’s orbit, so it is considered a potential risk. Although the asteroid is classified as "absolute value" (from 250 to 570 meters), it is still greater than 90 percent of other potentially dangerous objects.

Earlier in early March, astronomers from the Virtual Telescope project filmed a video of the potentially asteroid for Earth bearing the number (52768) 1998 OR2.

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