Why are tens of thousands of ‘witches’ beaten, tortured, burned in medieval life?

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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“Witch hunt“ is a mysterious event and is considered a “stain“ in human civilization history.
Why are tens of thousands of ‘witches’ beaten, tortured, burned in medieval life?
According to the old concept, witches are people with supernatural abilities, often causing natural disasters and epidemics

According to ancient conceptions, witches or wizards are those who possess magic, possessing supernatural abilities such as knowing the future, communicating with souls, cultivating elixir, cursing others. Witches are often considered evil people who always harm others and can cause diseases or extreme phenomena. These erroneous views led to cruel arrests, torture, execution and murder of those considered witches.

Due to backwardness and dread of power from witchcraft, in Europe, especially from the 14th to the 18th centuries, witch hunts were fierce, behind the dark event. in this human history is the Inquisition by the Roman Catholic Church.

The "witch hunts" take place and the main target people are poor women, widows ... They are accused of causing crop failure, natural disasters and epidemics, even without evidence and goods. tens of thousands of people were beaten, tortured and executed by the burnt form in this period.

Those who are considered witches are often executed by burning alive

Sharing the same fate with these "witches", cats, especially black cats at the time, were slaughtered and burned alive. The reason is because people think that witches use black cats to connect with spirits and demons. Sometimes, witches can transform, wearing black cats.

While Europe has experienced large epidemics like plague, which is thought to have originated in rats, hundreds of thousands of cats - the natural enemies of rats - were killed mercilessly, further boosting the raging of Great plague and the wrath of the people against the witch. In the 14th century, black cats were almost extinct in Europe.

To this day, due to the influence of the "witch hunt" event along with superstition, backwardness, in some territories, the country still has cases of illegal trials, executions of those who deserve it. Merchant is considered a witch.

The black cat was slaughtered because it was considered a witch’s symbol

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