Find the oldest star in the universe

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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The Earth 35,000 light years away, scientists have found evidence of one of the oldest stars in the universe. The star is defined to be about 13.5 billion years old.
Find the oldest star in the universe
Scientists have found the star with the longest life in the universe.

Astronomer Thomas Nordlander said, this is a "time machine" that brings us back to meet the earliest star of the universe.

The name of the star is called SMSS J160540.18−144323.1, formed after the old star exploded into a supernova.

After forming the universe about 13.5 billion years ago, the first stars began to appear 200 million years later. Later, the universe attracted more material from areas with lower density and growth clusters.

After about 200 million years of this capping, there is a problem that the temperature is high enough for nuclear fusion to start providing engines for the glowing stars. The first generation stars have a large mass, which can be 100 times larger than the Sun.

"We think that the supernova’s supernova energy is so low that most heavier elements have fallen back into the very dense remnants created by the explosion. Only a very small fraction of the heavier carbon elements escape into space and help form the very old star we find, ”said Nord Norder.

The carbon elements escaping from the old star were found inside the slightly younger star, called the SMSS J160540.18−144323.1, located in the Milky Way.

Evidence of an old star found in SMSS J160540.18−144323.1 can give a glimpse of the early days of the universe.

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