Werewolf appearances are noted in world history

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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The werewolf is one of the mythical creatures and the subject of many famous stories around the world.
Werewolf appearances are noted in world history
Werewolf (illustration)

According to some legends, werewolves are the ones who have the ability to turn into evil, powerful wolves, others are mutant combinations of humans and wolves. But they were all bloodthirsty animals, unable to control the desire to kill people and animals.

It is unclear exactly when and where the werewolf myths began. Some scholars believe that the werewolf first appeared in The Epic of Gilgamesh - the epic of Mesopotamia, the hero Gilgamesh, refusing to become the lover of the Ishtars after witnessing the brutal treatment of Go‌ddess with previous lovers. Ishtar is angry and turns Gilgamesh into a wolf, making Gilgamesh his enemy of the sheep and his dogs.

Werewolves also appeared early in Greek mythology with the legend of Lycaon. According to legend, the Lycaon king angered Zeus when he invited Zeus to eat a meal with human flesh. Zeus then angrily punished and turned King Lycaon and his sons into werewolves.

Werewolves also appeared in Northern European folklore at the beginning. Elderly people often tell the legend of a father and son who discovered wolves can turn people into wolves within ten days. The father and son wore wolves and turned into giant wolves to hunt animals in the forest.

Cremation is one of the ways to kill werewolves

In the history of the World there have been many records of cases of people who were considered werewolves centuries ago, who were mass murderers in a very vio‌lent way. The website of History channel - America’s largest historical theme TV channel, reported on the occurrence of werewolf incidents as follows:

In 1521, two Frenchmen named Pierre Burgot and Michel Verdun and another Frenchman named Giles Garnier, known as Dole’s Werewolf, were accused of swearing allegiance to Satan and having a medicine to turn into wolf family. After confessing to brutal killing of many children, both were cremated on wooden poles (cremation is said to be one of the few measures to kill wolves).

In the Bedburg (Germany) region of the 15th century, Peter Stubbe, a rich man living here, is also credited with being a werewolf, many confirming when he saw him turn into a wolf-like creature at night and eat many citizens of Bedburg. After hiding and being hunted by the workers, he had to pay off with a gruesome execution after confessing to torture and brutal killing of many men, women, children and corpses. their. Peter Stubbe claimed that he owned a belt that allowed him to turn into a wolf at will, this belt is now missing mysteriously.

Werewolves are thought to transform on full moon nights

In 1541, in the region of Pavia (Italy), many people thought that seeing a farmer suddenly turned into a wolf, he attacked many people, eating them after their cars were turned into pieces. This incident is witnessed by many people, it is thought that this werewolf has hair growing inward. Later, this werewolf was hunted and cut off his limbs and killed.

In many stories about werewolves that werewolves only turn into wolves when there is a full moon and that theory can really exist. According to a study conducted at Australia’s Calvary Mater Newcastle Hospital, the light of the full moon brings brain stimulation to many people.

Statistics at hospitals from victims of 91 cases of crimes originating from condolence occurred during the period from August 2008 to July 2009 showed that: There were 23% of cases happens on the full moon day. In some Western countries and in the 18th century, there were also regulations on the reduction of sentences for crimes that occurred on the full moon day. Many scientists also claim that light from the full moon has a big stimulating effect on animals.

In this day and age, most people believe that werewolves exist only as a symbol in movies and fiction. However, incidents of people seeing werewolves are still reported every year and the legend of werewolves may continue to haunt the dreams of people around the world.

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