Russia discovered Europe’s largest diamond

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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Arkhangelsk Region in northwestern Russia has often witnessed discoveries of gems in recent months. Europe’s largest diamond and a rare gold diamond have just been discovered at a local mine along with other gems.
Russia discovered Europe’s largest diamond
Europe's largest diamond was discovered in Russia

The newly discovered yellow diamond weighing 47.61 carats was unearthed today (July 20). This is the latest discovery at Grib - one of the largest diamond mines in Russia and the world.

The owner of the diamond mine, AGD Diamonds , said that the gold diamond has a high purity and proper shape, making it attractive for large jewelry companies.

Rare gold diamond weighs 47.61 carats

Another treasure was also discovered at the facility and became the largest diamond ever found in Europe - AGD said last week. This 222.09 carat diamond was discovered in May with a smaller gem weighing 127.34 carats.

Previously, the largest diamond found in this mine weighed 181.68 carats.

AGD Diamonds wants to sell them in Antwerp, Belgium - where a famous diamond area is located. According to AGD Diamonds, Israel and Belgium are often the biggest buyers of diamonds.

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