The bizarre Skinwalker creature spotted in Albuquerque, New Mexico (clip)

Baoanh Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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Many people are concerned regarding certain social media images. An unidentified creature lurks on the side of the road in these images.
The bizarre Skinwalker creature spotted in Albuquerque, New Mexico (clip)
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Near the Jicarilla reservation, the photos were shot during the night.

According to the story, a geologist employed in a neighboring oil field spotted something unusual.

He wanted to take a picture of it and make a heat signature. The geologist spontaneously resigned the next day.

“Seriously freaking out”, “yikes… I’m driving through there tomorrow”, and “skinwalker!” were several of the comments on social media in response to the tale.

A Native American legend is alluded to as Skinwalker. Author Tony Hillerman brought to life this strange creature.

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A Skinwalker, according to tradition, is a human who can change into any animal and move on all fours.

Countless encounters have happened, but the citizens can’t talk about them for fear of being attacked again.

The photos have also been removed from the New Mexican’s website. It says it doesn’t know where it originated from.   

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