An Alien Skull Was Discovered in Africa – This Could Change The History As We Know It

Summer Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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It has been generally accepted that the human race is the only race that has ever lived on Earth, but new discoveries have started to disprove this as‌sumption.
An Alien Skull Was Discovered in Africa – This Could Change The History As We Know It
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This skull from Africa contains traits identical to ours, but presents certain attributes that specifically rule it out as individual.

It has become highly divisive, and much interest has been placed on it. According to some hypotheses, the identification of this skull was invented and the features have been edited.

In order to ensure the authenticity of the skull, we can postulate that it is between 14 million and 14.5 million years old, and that it is loaded with iridium, which is a common element in meteorites.

Is there any connection, say, with the mummies discovered in Peru? It could also be evidence for the existence of aliens. And share your views with us.

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