WATCH: Are “fossils and prehistoric tools found in NASA images” proof of “life on Mars”?

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A sho‌ckING series of YouTube videos claims the NASA Mars Curiosity Rover has found evidence of prehistoric life on the Red Planet.
WATCH: Are “fossils and prehistoric tools found in NASA images” proof of “life on Mars”?
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The footage allegedly discovered potentially fossilised remains of creatures exposed in rocks on the Red Planet and prehistoric tools.

Xem Video: Martian Archaeology: Curiosity Rover

The rover, a robot-like all-terrain vehicle, is charting Mars with close-up images which are regularly beamed back to the American space agency’s headquarters, with some released publicly.

MartianArchaeologyIs the the object (right) found in Mars picture a fossilised version of a bone found on Earth (left)

Part of the rover (left) with what UFO hunters are calling a "fossil skull" and bones (both ringed)

YouTube channel Martian Archaeology is collating videos made by "researchers" who trawl through images and footage looking for apparent traces of any current or former occupation of the planet by extra terrestrials.

Ever since the Viking Orbiter caught the famous image of what looked like a martian face carved into stone on the surface of Mars in the 1970s, people have been finding examples of "remnants left by alien civilisations on the Red Planet within its rocky, dusty surface.

A close up oh the "alien fossil"

"Skull and artificial object" in close up

Scientists say pareidolia - the brain’s automatic reaction to trick the eye into seeing faces and familiar objects such as animal shapes in patterns, textures, or clouds.

But in one new video made by Alien Life, it is claimed there are skeletal remains in a rock, and a Humanoid-made device.

US UFO hunter Scott C Waring, who viewed the clip said: "This fossil was discovered by Martian Archeology of YouTube. 

"He found the fossilised remains of a creature on Mars." 

Mr Waring said: "It’s hard to tell what this looked like originally, but some of its remains are a little way away form it, at the lower part of the photo. 

"Also I found something that is bowl shaped and has a hinge on the end of it. It is made by intelligent beings."

An "alien skeleton" found in Nasa images by alien chaser

Is this a fossil Martian dinosaur found by researchers in another image

Alien Life has added white to this object to highlight what it believes could be a fossil Martian di

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