Abandoned Scared Kitten Rescued From Petrol Station Is Waiting For A Perfect Family

Susucn Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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Baby boy Felix was found all alone at a petrol station. There were many people around the station, but no one paid a little attention to that little creature. Dog Rescue Shelter Mladenovac, who spotted the kitten, rescued the little boy to their shelter.
Abandoned Scared Kitten Rescued From Petrol Station Is Waiting For A Perfect Family
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Screenshot: Dog Rescue Shelter Mladenovac, Serbia

Xem Video: Rescue of Abandoned Kitten At Petrol Station | Dog Rescue Shelter


When Felix was found, the kitten was quite timid and hesitated to trust the rescuers. At first, he stepped towards the rescue team, but then, he stopped and running back to the first location. The young boy looked healthy, clean, but scared. He kept escaping from the rescuers several times until he was reassured with some food.

Screenshot: Dog Rescue Shelter Mladenovac, Serbia

The hungry creature was enjoying his meal when one of the rescuers grabbed him suddenly. Resiting in panic, he scratched and bit the rescuer. Meanwhile, the man didn’t put up a fight but fondled the little kitten. His reassuring behavior made Felix feel warm and safe. The boy was about two months old and was suffering from hunger.

Screenshot: Dog Rescue Shelter Mladenovac, Serbia

At the foster home, baby boy Felix was fed with decent food and water. The grey-white furry friend really enjoyed his comfortable bed and lovely toys. He is now living under good care and love at the foster home and is finding a perfect family for himself.

Screenshot: Dog Rescue Shelter Mladenovac, Serbia

If you want this beautiful angel to become a part of your family, please e-mail Dog Rescue Shelter Mladenovac, Serbia at info@dogrescueshelter.org. This organization is still continuing their work to rescue abandoned, mistreated animals in Serbia. If you want to send a small donation, just visit here.

Screenshot: Dog Rescue Shelter Mladenovac, Serbia

Don’t forget to share this post and help sweetheart Felix find his new home.

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