Mr. Biden prioritizes reorganizing trade relations with China

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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Ms. Katherine Tai, selected by Mr. Biden as the US Trade Representative, has been the main enforcement officer against China’s unfair trade practices.
Mr. Biden prioritizes reorganizing trade relations with China
Mrs. Katherine Tai. Photo: AFP

Mr. Joe Biden has confirmed that his administration will give priority to reorganizing trade relations with China, in the context that Washington has repeatedly accused Beijing of trade activities as "unfair" and seek to resolve violations of intellectual property rights.

Mr. Biden chose Ms. Katherine Tai to be the US Trade Representative.

Speaking at a press conference in Wilmington, Delaware, US President-elect emphasized: "Ms. Katherine Tai has been the chief enforcement officer against China’s unfair trade practices, this will be one of the main priority in the Biden-Harris administration ".

In the coming time, Ms. Katherine Tai will be responsible for closely coordinating with the team in charge of economy and national security as well as US foreign policy. Mr. Biden once again as‌serted that trade will be "the key pillar" in implementing a "foreign policy for the middle class".

For her part, Ms. Katherine Tai expressed pride in working for a government that will do her best to make America and the world a better place.

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