Blue-laying hens are extremely rare in China

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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A woman named Gao said she fed the chickens the same food but didn’t know why one of the eggs turned green.
Blue-laying hens are extremely rare in China
The green chicken eggs are about the same size as the other eggs.

Even the egg also has impressive green spots on the outer shell.

The unusual egg was discovered at Ms. Gao’s home in Suzhou, Jiangsu, eastern China.

As soon as she discovered the unusual egg, Ms. Gao showed the egg to a reporter from a local broadcasting station and claimed she did not know what caused its colors.

“The egg is about the same size as the other eggs but this egg is covered with a strange green speckled pattern. I have seven hens, one rooster was kept in the backyard and I have not changed their food. The main food is just corn, vegetables and other green leaves ”, shared Ms. Gao.

Zhang Wencheng, senior veterinarian at Tuc Thien Animal and Breeding Station, explained that the egg may have been stimulated by something outside while still in the hen.

The abnormal spasm can cause the secreted protein layer to eventually form strange green shapes in the egg. Zhang also said that it is better not to eat such irregular eggs without the cause.

Currently, the real reason why the eerie green-speckled egg in China is still receiving special attention and creating controversy.

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