NASA spacecraft discovered strange things in the sky of Mars

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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The American Aerospace Agency’s (NASA) MAVEN unmanned spacecraft recently detected an unusually bright ultraviolet light in the night sky from Mars.
NASA spacecraft discovered strange things in the sky of Mars
Unusually glowing ultraviolet rays from the Martian sky were captured by the spacecraft MAVEN

“The crew of the MAVEN ship was surprised to see this ultraviolet light glow three times in the atmosphere of Mars every night, during what is thought to be the planet’s ’spring’ and ’autumn’. "This," NASA’s Go‌ddard Space Flight Operations Center explained in a statement. “This happens when vertical winds carry the gas down to higher gas-density regions on Mars, accelerating chemical reactions that produce nitric oxide and fuel the energy. ultraviolet ray."

"Wavelength and spiral" shaped ray phenomena have also been detected unexpectedly at "winter solstice" times on Mars. According to Nick Schneider, professor at the Laboratory of Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado, USA, "MAVEN’s imaging provides our first global insights into the motion of gas currents. in Mars’s mid-atmosphere, an important region where the gas flows between the planet’s lowest and highest atmospheric layers are circulated. "

The research is published in the Journal of Geophysical Research, Space Physics.

NASA’s Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover robot explorer also recently kicked off its mission on Mars, on a journey that is expected to last seven months. This robot is expected to set foot on the Jezero Crater on Mars on February 18, 2121.

The time of Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover on the surface of Mars will last at least 1 year of this planet, equivalent to about 687 days on Earth.

Earlier this month, NASA’s Curiosity Rover robot expedition celebrated eight years of exploration on the surface of Mars.

The American Aerospace Agency’s long-term goal is to send humans to Mars around 2030. However, former astronaut Buzz Aldrin thinks that this goal should be done a little later, at a time. year 2040.

In an interview with Fox News in 2016, an astronaut who was on a historic flight to the Moon in 1969 said he believed astronauts could visit Phobos, the Moon of Mars. year 2040. This could serve as a major step forward in the mission of conquering the planet.

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