Shocking evidence of earth life comes from an asteroid

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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A new study on the “death asteroid“ that kills dinosaurs has unintentionally revealed a sho‌ck: a more ancient, similar object may have “kicked off“ life on Earth.
Shocking evidence of earth life comes from an asteroid
Close up of an ancient chemically modified rock that “recounts“ the sho‌cking impact so much that it creates a hydrothermal system - photo: DAVID A. KRING

The study just published in the scientific journal Science Advance has revealed the incredible warm water network that Chicxulub -small planetkill the dinosaurs created on earth at the moment of death 66 million years ago. The entire process has been revealed through a chemical modified rock that scientists have found in the impact area.

That waterway network still exists beneath the giant crater on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, where the asteroid has crashed into the earth. It forms what is called a "hydrothermal system".

According to a team of scientists from the as‌sociation of University Space Research, Imperial College London and a number of universities in Edinburgh, Glasgow (UK), led by Dr. David A. Kring, the water system Heat is the indirect evidence that supports the hypothesis that the Earth’s life was created by space’s "hands": older, about 4 billion years ago, a similar giant asteroid hit. Earth and also created hydrothermal systems.

Numerous studies have demonstrated that hydrothermal systems are the "nursery of life" of the planets. The bodies that possess hydrothermal systems have been the target of extraterrestrial life hunts, such as Saturn’s moon Enceladus, an object that NASA has been taking care of for years.

On our planet, many craters have been identified that existed before the first life. One of them may be the traces of asteroids that launch mysterious life.

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