Mr. Trump‘s son is controversial because he said Covid-19 would ’magically disappear“

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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Eric Trump, son of Donald Trump’s US president, was controversial when SARS-CoV said virus-2 will “magically disappear“ after the election.
Mr. Trump‘s son is controversial because he said Covid-19 would ’magically disappear“
Mr. Eric Trump (left) and President Donald Trump (Image: Getty)

In an interview with Fox News on May 16, Eric Trump, who is the executive vice president of the Trump Group, said that the new corona virus would "suddenly magically disappear and everything could open." back door after presidential election ", scheduled for November 3 this year.

Eric Trump accused the Democratic Party of "strategicizing" the Covid-19 pandemic to prevent President Trump from organizing voter-meeting events and campaigning before the election. According to Time , Eric Trump hinted that methods related to social spacing to prevent the spread of disease are part of the Democratic Party’s strategy to disadvantage President Trump.

"They think they are taking Mr. Donald Trump the best tool, which is 50,000 voters coming and filling the auditorium in every event," Eric Trump commented.

Eric Trump said that former US Vice President Joe Biden would "like this" because Mr. Biden "could not draw crowds to campaign events."

A day later, Joe Biden’s election campaign criticized Eric Trump’s statement as "unbelievably reckless".

Kate Bedingfield, deputy campaign director of Biden, accused: “The simple fact is that President Trump has ignored the threat of Covid-19 for months and improperly handled the step-by-step response to the epidemic. sick. This devastated the strong economy that he inherited from the Obama (Bidack) - Biden administration and led to many unnecessary deaths. ”

Mrs. Bedingfield said that Mr. Trump’s campaign is using all means to distract to hide his improper management in recent years.

Eric Trump’s comments are considered reminiscent of his father’s February statement. At the time, President Trump said that Democrats’ criticism of his administration’s response to Covid-19 was "a new hoax."

Public health officials earlier called for states to be cautious in reopening the economy, warning that a larger-scale outbreak could occur in the fall and winter.

Covid-19 infected over 1.5 million Americans and the death toll exceeded 90,000, according to Worldometers.

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