Discover many ancient structures never known in the UK

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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A group of amateur archaeologists has announced discovery of dozens of ancient structure had never known previously from Roman times.
Discover many ancient structures never known in the UK

Archaeologists’ findings are scattered between Cornwall and Devon in the southwest of Great Britain, including ancient structures dating back to the Roman Empire and the Middle Ages, including more than 30m of roads and markers. relics of settlements, farms, burial mounds ...

To uncover these ancient structures, researchers from the University of Exeter conducted aerial surveys using LiDAR technology, the laser technology that creates detailed topographic maps. In particular, they have discovered at least 30 new settlements dating between the year 300 BC and 300 AD.

"Southwest is arguably the most comprehensive LiDAR data available in the UK. We are using this data to map the historical environment as much as possible. The current focus of the project is the Tamar Valley. , but has expanded to include a vast area of land between Bodmin Moor and Dartmoor, Plymouth and Barnstaple over 6000m2, ”said Dr. Chris Smart, who led the research team.

Dr Chris Smart also said the new finding was part of a project at the University of Exeter launched in 2017, allowing communities in Devon and Cornwall to trace the origins of their historic landscapes.

According to the archeologist, the findings suggest that the areas of Cornwall and Dartmoor are far more populated than previously thought.

"I know we will find something, but I don’t think it will be that much. That’s a very surprising number," Dr. Chris Smart emphasized.

Due to the situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, the places were still facing many difficulties in checking. But after the pandemic, new findings will be studied further.

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