The secret behind the computer contains nud‌ּe photos of 58 women

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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A 25-year-old boy was arrested for se‌ּxually abusing and blackmailing 58 married women with an insidious plan.
The secret behind the computer contains nud‌ּe photos of 58 women
Pradeesh Kumar devised a sophisticated plan to blackmail and blackmail married women.

Subtle tricks

Pradeesh Kumar from Kerala (India) was arrested on May 31, 2019, after police received a complaint from one of the victims for fraud, extortion and extortion. this name. 

After a period of undercover investigation, the police discovered that Kumar actually took advantage of many women with an extremely cunning, sophisticated plan. "The prey" he aimed at is mostly married and not young women he knew through social networks. Initially, he will learn about their family based on the information on their profile, reach out and actively chat with these women.

With his talent, slowly, Pradeesh Kumar gained their trust. After that, he will ask for their phone number and very hard to listen to their family problems. Kumar is very good at expressing sympathy for women.

Police said that when the prey seemed to have taken the bait, he took the next step to create a fake account of a beautiful woman on Facebook and talk to the husbands of "potential" women he knew. . With a sweet way of speaking, Kumar made many husbands "trapped" and the two continuously texted each other.

And then every day, he took screenshots of the entire conversation with the husbands and sent them to the wives, convinced that their husbands were unfaithful. Faced with clear evidence of that "illicit relationship", Kumar has caused many couples to discord and increasingly sink into the off-line relationship with Kumar.

The bitter truth

During the conversation, to make sure the person on the other end was his "prey", Kumar would ask them to enter a special kind of character code that he ordained to them in advance.

Kumar also secretly records intimate conversations and sensitive photos of women and eventually blackmail them. Recognizing the true nature of the "lover" but the victims were pity to follow because if he refused to obey his orders, the accused threatened to send all videos and photos to his husband, family and friends. friends.

But things did not stop there. From this point on, Kumar began to abuse se‌ּx and force women to do as he pleased. He established a set of strict rules of conduct, including not having se‌ּx with her husband, answering his phone at any time and obeying whatever he asked.

In Kumar’s bedroom, police found nud‌ּe images of 58 women in a laptop. However, if not arrested, the number of victims will be much higher. Kumar revealed to one of his victims that he wants to reach the target of 100 women by 2021.

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