‘made in India’ premium iPhone is about to appear

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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Apple’s iPhone XR and XS phones are being produced in India and are expected to hit the market in August. Apple and Foxconn - Apple’s main as‌sembler, have not yet made any comments on this issue.
‘made in India’ premium iPhone is about to appear
Artwork Source: RT

Over the years, Apple has tried to boost iPhone production in India but has always encountered some obstacles. Finally, in 2016, they started producing SE iPhone in this country through Wistron partner. After that, the company expanded the facilities to as‌semble iPhone 6S and iPhone 7 last year.

Apple’s high-end devices are longing for millions of Indians. However, its high price makes people in this country unable to afford it, and reduces Apple’s market share of high-end devices to 1%. Apple does not seem to be able to compete with the "soft" price of Samsung or Chinese competitors. Currently, China’s Xiaomi, Vivo and Oppo are leading the smartphone market in India.

IPhone manufacturing in India helps Apple meet the laws of this country, avoiding import duties and in the future "apple houses" will open Apple Store open in this country. Apple is trying to reduce the price of iPhones to be more affordable in India - the second largest smartphone market in the world, although the per capita income is very low.

iPhone XR, XS.

The press expects that prices of iPhone Xr and iPhone Xs will fall slightly after production has met demand. Currently, every major smartphone brand has local production facilities to avoid import taxes. Samsung has succeeded in keeping the flagship price in India at par with international prices because of this policy.

The government of Narendra Modi tried to turn South Asia’s third-largest economy into a hub for smart phones, attracting customers worldwide with the advantage of cheap labor.

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