Shocking discovery of alien scientists

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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Contrary to the imagery of science fiction writers and fake space explorers, alien creatures do not necessarily need to fly on a disk, shaped like humans, walking on two limbs.
Shocking discovery of alien scientists
It turns out that these colonies “extend out“ along the water naturally, while in the static water zone, they form loose layers of bacteria.

Our neighbors in the Galaxy and maybe even from the more remote islands of the Universe, seem familiar to most inhabitants on Earth. Aliens are like pasta, which is like the bundles made from thick fibers.

This is the conclusion of scientists from the University of Illinois. They conducted research on the simplest microorganisms found in the hot springs of Yellowstone National Park, listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

As it turned out, microorganisms called macaroni appeared about 2.5 billion years ago and could survive without oxygen. And if these microorganisms once existed on Mars or on other planets, they would leave traces of elongated or self-existent shapes.

Scientists who make this discovery believe that, in all other celestial bodies, where the human or research machine comes from, it is necessary to find this type of alien representation, or the remains their.

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