New: Declaration sho‌cked to reject the old claims about MH370

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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The hijacker is not related to the crew or passenger who may have been missing on Malaysia Airlines Boeing MH370 aircraft five years ago.
New: Declaration sho‌cked to reject the old claims about MH370

This new statement is expressed by Tim Termini, an aviation security expert, according to a New York Post report.

According to him, criminals can board the aircraft before taking off and waiting in the inside. The expert also as‌sumed other situations: the aircraft could be captured by one of the crew or passengers, but it was also possible that the control system was hacked still on the ground.

The flight MH370 was missing while flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, disappeared from the radar screen on March 8, 2014. The plane carried 239 passengers, including two babies, along with 16 crew members. Experts offer many versions of what happened, but the disappearance of aircraft is still one of the biggest mysteries in recent years.

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