4,800-year-old prosthetic eyes change human perception

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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A delicately crafted prosthetic eye dating back to the Stone Age has sho‌cked the scientific community. 
4,800-year-old prosthetic eyes change human perception

According to the ’ Ancient Origins’ page , the artificial eye was found in the remains of a woman buried at Shahr-e Sukhteh, what the locals call the "Burning City", in present-day southern Iran. It is known that this city was originally a very prosperous place, but has been abandoned since 2350 BC because of a fire.

The false eye was found in the remains of a woman. (photo: larazzodeltempo)

Regarding other features of this mysterious skeleton, the head of the research team said: The woman with the prosthetic eye was very young when she di‌ed, only about 25-30 years old, 1m80 tall. surrounding burial items.

She di‌ed around 2800-2900 BC, which is 4,800 to 4,900 years ago. This is a sho‌cking discovery because prosthetic eyes have only been mentioned in Europe since about the 16th century, it is hard to imagine that it existed from the ancient world for thousands of years, where the rest of the world Most are still in the Stone Age.

The artificial eye is 3cm hemispherical, according to the leader of the excavation team, considering the specific gravity of this object, it seems that the main material used is made up of natural asphalt mixed with animal fat. This eye material moisturizes the eye sockets; snug enough to prevent foreign debris from entering, fight infection, and prevent tissue in the eye socket from overgrowing.

Tiny grooves on the gold-wire prosthetic eye represent capillaries, less than half a millimeter wide. 2 holes for attaching gold pins are also found on either side of the eyeball. This gold wire and pin will help the eyes to be held in place gently and can be rotated slightly in the eye sockets like real eyes.

Excavations in the Burning City also found other amazing artifacts such as: marble artifacts, ancient dice tables, and even medical related things like a skull used as an ancient brain surgery teaching tool.

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