UFO over Tikal A viral clip provokes Controversy about extraterrestrials in Guatemala

Kute Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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Authentic or not, two videos recorded in Tikal, whose veracity is quite questioned have become viral in social networks after thousands of people shared what appears to be the presence of an Unidentified Flying Object on the temple of the ruins of Tikal, in Guatemala.(UFO over Tikal)
UFO over Tikal A viral clip provokes Controversy about extraterrestrials in Guatemala

The object that seems to rest on the temple, projects a light that then disappears through a quick flash. Here below another video from a different angle.(UFO over Tikal)

Many lovers of the UFO theme claim that the video, captured at two different angles could be treated as a true close encounter with intergalactic beings, while many others as‌sert that it is no more than a video editing trick. Here we share the videos so you can draw your own conclusion. What do you think? Leave us your Comment! (I.e.(UFO over Tikal)

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