UFO Sighting: US To Release Most Anticipated Report On Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Soon

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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The US is going to release a landmark report on UFO sightings over the years. Local media has informed that it could be made public as soon as June 25.
UFO Sighting: US To Release Most Anticipated Report On Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Soon

The United States is going to release a landmark report on UFO sightings over the years. Local media has informed that it could be made public as soon as June 25, However, no specific date has been officially announced for the release of the report yet. A report summarizing what officials know is expected to come out by end of June. 

As per reports, the office of the director of National Intelligence will be releasing the report before US Congress which will include the work of a US navy-led task force established by the Pentagon in August 2020 to examine "unidentified aerial phenomena" (UAP) incidents. 

Last year, US Congress had instructed the director of national intelligence to provide “a detailed analysis of unidentified aerial phenomena data” from multiple agencies and report in 180 days. The bill passed by Congress has asked the intelligence director for “any incidents or patterns that indicate a potential adversary may have achieved breakthrough aerospace capabilities that could put United States strategic or conventional forces at risk.”

UFO Spotted? 

In the image provided by the Department of Defense labelled Gimbal, from 2015, an unexplained object was seen at the centre as it is tracked as it soars high along with the clouds, travelling against the wind. “There’s a whole fleet of them,” one naval aviator told another, though only one indistinct object is shown. “It’s rotating." The US government has been taking a hard look at unidentified flying objects, under orders from Congress.

Earlier this month, Mick West, a prominent researcher of unexplained phenomena and debunker of conspiracy theories had said that it was right for the government to investigate and report on the potential national security implications of sightings.

Mick West was quoted by AP saying, "Any time there is some kind of unidentified object coming through military airspace, that’s a real issue that needs to be looked into.”

The Pentagon in recent years has confirmed the authenticity of several videos from naval aviators showing enigmatic "aerial phenomena" exhibiting speed and manoeuvrability, unknown to the usual human knowledge, as per reports. 

On June 3, a US newspaper report had stated that US intelligence officials have found no evidence that a series of unidentified aerial phenomena observed by the navy’s aviators in recent years were alien spacecraft, as per senior Biden administration officials, who were briefed ahead of the report’s release.

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