Bizarre Case of Flight 513 – The Plane That Vanished Without a Trace in 1954 and Landed in 1989 (VIDEO)

Summer Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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The disappearance of Flight 513 is by far one of the biggest mysteries that the world has ever seen. In case you didn’t know already, this happened back in 1954 on September 4th. Flight 513 of Santiago was supposed to go from Aachen, Germany to Chile, South America, but somewhere along the Atlantic Ocean the flight suddenly disappeared.
Bizarre Case of Flight 513 – The Plane That Vanished Without a Trace in 1954 and Landed in 1989 (VIDEO)
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Nobody knows where it went or how it actually disappeared out of thin air, but what we do know is that according to the officials this happened instantly, and when they looked at their radars it appeared as though the plane had completely di‌ed altogether, being stranded in midair.

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They officially reported that the plane had gone missing and a few days later that they most likely crashed into the Atlantic Ocean.

35 years later though, the flight reemerged out of thin air just as easily as it disappeared in the first place. It popped back up in October 1989 in Brazil and according to officials; no one could explain this strange phenomenon.

A lot of people believed that an incident similar to the Bermuda Triangle must have occurred, or the plane entered a time warp and just flew out, so until scientists come up with a better answer we need to consider that as the most likely cause.

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