Ten Mysterious Kids Who Remember Their Past Lives

Summer Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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The idea of reincarnation has been present in our culture for thousands of years. Many religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, and Jainism, to name a few, believe in the power to reincarnate once we di‌e.
Ten Mysterious Kids Who Remember Their Past Lives
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The idea of reincarnation has been present in our culture for thousands of years. Many religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, and Jainism, to name a few, believe in the power to reincarnate once we di‌e.

Supposedly, a reincarnated soul has no memory of its past life, However, there are some children that remember certain things that are hard to explain.

Xem Video: 10 Mysterious Kids Who Remember Their Past Lives

Actually, scientists who have studied the phenomenon found that 100% of cases like this occurred in young children.

Whether you believe or not in reincarnation, the following list of ten children who remember their past lives for sure will sho‌ck you.

Some of these children have detailed memories that amazingly match up with real historical facts. They know things that would be impossible to know for someone of their age.

Take a look at the following video and draw your own conclusions.

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