UFO hunter shares pictures of “real-life ALIEN skull” with two separate “layers”

Baoanh Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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Li Jianmin made the astonishing revelation at a seminar - but admitted no DNA tests have yet been done on the ’skull’
UFO hunter shares pictures of “real-life ALIEN skull” with two separate “layers”
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A science fiction author and amateur UFO hunter claims he has got hold of an alien skull.

Li Jianmin, 55, made the astonishing revelation at a seminar in the Chinese capital Beijing.

He said the ’skull’ was brown in colour and about 16cm in diameter, according to local media.

Unlike human skulls, the supposed extraterrestrial one had two "different layers", he added.

The other-worldly artifact originally came from a street seller in the Inner Mongolia region and was bought by a private collector.

The buyer was then reading one of Li’s sci-fi novels when he came across an illustration of an alien skull which looked remarkably like the one he had just bought.

The skull which a Chinese researcher claims belongs to an alien creature ( Image: AsiaWire/@fangshimin)

After the collector got in touch with Li, the UFO enthusiast spent four months examining the find.

He has now produced a 103-page study in a bid to provide evidence that the ’skull’ is in fact from outer space.

Li said he had used high-tech scientific methods to test the ’skull’.

He carried out Raman spectroscopy - which creates a "fingerprint" to identify which exact molecules are present in a sample - and atomic force microscopy,  a technique which can see things 1000 times smaller than ordinary microscopes.

Li Jianmin, the science fiction author and UFO researcher who revealed the ’skull’ ( Image: AsiaWire /bqshenyidu)

He then compared his findings with other supposed alien skulls discovered elsewhere in the world.

But when asked by reporters, Li admitted he had not yet done a DNA test, which could prove if the cranium is actually from a creature on Earth.

"Paying for DNA analysis is around 100,000 yuan," he said, which is about £11,200.

No DNA testing has yet been done on the find ( Image: AsiaWire/@fangshimin)

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The author has been widely mocked on social media for his wild claims, but remains convinced the skull is real.

"I welcome questions and scepticism, but if you decide to challenge me, be sure to bring along evidence," he said.  

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