Alien and UFO phenomena will get ‘full disclosure in 2020 if Donald Trump goes’

Summer Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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A political activist and alien researcher who thinks the US has been hiding the truth about alien activity and UFO sightings has said it is likely “full disclosure“ will happen in 2020.
Alien and UFO phenomena will get ‘full disclosure in 2020 if Donald Trump goes’
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Stephen Bassett, who set up Paradigm Research Group in 1996 to lobby for the extraterrestrial "truth embargo" to be lifted, exclusively told Daily Star Online that if not for Donald Trump being elected President in 2017 we would already be living in a post-disclosure world.

However, he now thinks 2020 could be the year that governments and militaries worldwide lift the lid on alien visitors – with the US Navy officially designating mysterious sightings as "unidentified aerial phenomena " a good sign.

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“Disclosure is getting very close,” he said.

“In fact, had it not been for the extraordinary events of the last election in the United States we would already be a couple of years into the post-disclosure world.”

Speaking to this site before the process to impeach President Trump had started, Stephen said the political situation has made it very difficult for disclosure to happen but now he had real hope.

He added: “If we could get this little political problem in the United States resolved and get back to a normal, functioning government, though I'm sure it will never be perfect, I think this ET thing and the To The Stars Academy will explode.

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