Mysterious balloon UFO appeared in Japan drifts towards Pacific as authorities remain clueless

Baoanh Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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The mystery regarding the origin of this UFO may remain unsolved as authorities have lost track of this flying balloon.
Mysterious balloon UFO appeared in Japan drifts towards Pacific as authorities remain clueless

A mysterious balloon UFO that appeared in the skies of Japan is now the hottest point of debate among conspiracy theorists and space experts. As soon as the UFO appeared in the skies, a section of panicked Japanese nationals took pictures of the eerie sky sighting, and they are now demanding answers from the government regarding the origin of this flying object. 

UFO incident creates panic

The balloon UFO that hovered in the skies of Japan was white in color, and it was attached to crossed sticks with propellers. Eyewitnesses revealed that the bizarre flying object remained in the sky motionless for several minutes, and later, it started moving across the skies. 

As the UFO incident went viral on online spaces, an official at the Sendai Bureau of the Japan Meteorological Agency revealed that this unidentified flying object could be most probably a weather balloon. However, he made it clear that this balloon did not belong to Japan’s Meteorological Agency. 

Kyushu University’s aeronautics department also denied that the device belonged to them, after strong public speculation regarding its actual origin. Shinichiro Higashino, an as‌sociate professor at the department told Fuji TV that this flying object is equipped with solar panels, and he suggested that this flying vessel can be used for conducting scientific experiments and monitoring. 

Mystery to remain unsolved

The mystery regarding the origin of this flying object may remain unsolved as the UFO has now reportedly floated out to the Pacific, and authorities have already lost the track of it. 

In the meantime, a section of conspiracy theorists has started arguing that the mysterious flying object could be most probably an alien vessel. According to these conspiracy theorists, most of these alien balloons have cloaking technology in it, and as a result, they usually go unnoticed from the eyes of the general public.   

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