Alien Recorded While Getting Inside Its UFO in Italy

Susucn Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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In the images we can see an unidentified flying object, and inside is a person wearing sunglasses. According to many testimonies, this is not a person, but an alien. The images are quite old, since they were captured in 1957 in Italy, more precisely in Francavilla, on the Adriatic coast.
Alien Recorded While Getting Inside Its UFO in Italy
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Though the entire story has never been revealed, the pictures can be found in the book “UFO Contacts in Italy” .

The author is Dr. Roberto Pinotti and claims that the images have been taken by two persons that were admitted in the spaceship.

The book is a compilation of many UFO contacts from Italy, and the one from 1957 is the most unusual one, since the pictures have been produced inside a UFO.

According to Pinotti, a group of locals were involved in regular contact with extra-terrestrial beings.

What is more interesting, this contact in particular would have lasted for at least 20 years. Pinotti suggests that these alien beings constructed subterranean bases in Italy. This base would have been the most important one since is located in the center of the peninsula.

Philip Mantle, editor of the book in question, claimed that Pinotti is a very liable and authorized source.

Pinotti is the main Italian expert in ufology as well as the founder of the National Center of Ufology, one of the most important organisation that investigates the UFO phenomenon.

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