CIA Reveals Cosmonaut Filmed UFO on MIR in 1991- Clip Included

Lovelife Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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A recently declassified CIA document of a Russian live TV transcript reveals that on Mar. 31, 1991, a Russian Cosmonaut filmed a cigar-shaped UFO hovering near the MIR space station (see video and CIA document below).
CIA Reveals Cosmonaut Filmed UFO on MIR in 1991- Clip Included
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The CIA memo’s subject line read: “Strange Object Filmed Floating Around Mir Station.”

Video: UFO Mir space station 31 March 1991

Members of British and Russian Crew Interviewed

The CIA transcript of the live TV event goes through the niceties and small talk between British and Russian crewmates, including how the food tastes. But then the conversation turns to a serious matter at hand:

“But the real problems lie outside the station,” the narrator says. “The point is that yesterday evening, during the late communications session, a strange object was filmed. You can see it now. There — at the very center of the screen. (Video Shows MIR Station and a luminescent object hovering around it).”

Soon after this shot, the narrator declares that Cosmonaut Musa Manarov, who filmed the UFO had doubts about what it was, speculating that it could have been part of the Soyuz Transport Craft that came loose.

However, the narrative then admits the obvious:

“Of course, there is nothing cheerful about the fact that an object of quite a considerable size is flying around the station, even if it is not a part of the Soyuz Transport Craft… .”

“But jokes apart, it is not clear what the object accompanying the station is,” the narrator concluded. “We will wait for further reports.”

Further reports never came, as far as this reporter has been able to ascertain.

Not the First Time Cosmonaut Reported UFO

Another recently declassified CIA report reveals a cosmonaut sighted  a huge ‘iridescent sphere’ while aboard a space station in September of  1990.

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