UFO sighting: NASA Mars rover spots ‘ancient black alien orb’ floating over Red Planet

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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UFO evidence has resurfaced in an archived NASA Mars Curiosity Rover photo, an alien life conspiracy theorist has outlandishly announced.
UFO sighting: NASA Mars rover spots ‘ancient black alien orb’ floating over Red Planet
UFO sighting: Waring claims evidence for ancient Martian aliens has has resurfaced (Image: NASA)

UFO hunter Scott Waring took to his etdatabase.com blog to speculate about the “hovering alien orb” spotted in the background of a Mars Curiosity Rover photo. He said: “This is alien technology hovering over the surface.” “You can see this alien object is creating a shadow beneath it.”

Waring attempts to addresses an obvious failure with his alien evidence theory – that the shadow is of a different shape to the orb.

He said: “The shadow is not also round because the Martian ground is not even.

“But is it obvious the shadow on the ground and the one on the lower part of the are perfectly congruent.

“They are in the perfect position for lighting and darkness.

UFO sighting: (Image: Getty)

“The overhead Sun is illuminating the top of the sphere, and its bottom is in the shade.”

Waring estimates the dubious find is hovering about 2ft (60cm) off the ground, the same size of the “orb”.

Conspiracy theorist Waring then accuses US-based space agency NASA of covering up Curiosity’s alleged find, first revealed by well-known alien hunter Streetcap1

He said: “This orb is absolutely incredible – imagine finding such alien technology hovering over the surface of Mars and just ignoring it.

“That is what NASA just did – the space agency’s probe just drove past it.”

This bizarre image reportedly first surfaced in 2015, but Waring maintains NASA, however, never acknowledged it.

Waring claims, without foundation, how the original source for the Mars photo “disappeared” from NASA’s Curiosity website.

“I had to find this today to give you a new source for the Mount Sharp image, which has the NASA reference PIA19397.

UFO sighting: Curiosity landed on Mars on August 6, 2012 (Image: Getty)

UFO sighting: This is an early image of Mars, taking by NASA’s Viking probe in the 1970s (Image: Getty)

“Even though this was taken down from the 2015 report, it has fortunately resurfaced again.

“Can you imagine navigating a rover over the surface of Mars and seeing this in the distance?

“This is simply 100 percent proof that the aliens on Mars were highly intelligent.

“The aliens were so smart they could build objects capable of hovering hundreds, if not millions of years after they disappeared.

“Even after the entire alien species likely became extinct, these objects still hover.

“Now that is absolutely amazing technology, don’t you think?”

His Mars announcement quickly garnered scores of comments on Waring’s YouTube channel.

YouTube viewer Charleen Sampson was clearly impressed by the claim, commenting: “WOW! That’s undeniably an orb of something extra-terrestrial! You can see the shadow below it … I mean, com’on NASA, WTH?”

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