The last extremely rare image of Tasmanian tiger

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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Archives National Film and Sound Australia (NFSA) has just released a rare film about what is said to be the last scene of the tiger known.
The last extremely rare image of Tasmanian tiger

The last extremely rare image of Tasmanian tiger

The species was thought to be extinct in 1936 when Benjamin, the last confirmed member of the species, di‌ed in captivity at the Beaumaris zoo.

In fact, not many scenes remain of the Tasmanian tiger, with fewer than a dozen videos believed to exist, all of which were taken in captivity at the Beaumaris Zoo in Hobart, Tasmania and London Zoo. .

Meanwhile, the newly published, seemingly rare video was filmed at the Beaumaris Zoo around March 1935, a year after the previously known video of the Tasmanian tiger was recorded.

The video shows the Tasmanian tiger has not been seen publicly for 85 years. The video shows a zoo manager banging on an animal’s cage that NFSA speculates might show some more interesting behavior from the Tasmanian tiger.

Only 18 months later, Benjamin di‌ed and on September 7, 1936, the species became extinct, although not all scientists agreed on this.

Reports of seeing Tasmanian tigers in the wild continue after Benjamin’s death. Many hope that the Tasmanian tiger is still alive somewhere. For example, there were strange things that happened like a giant turtle was rediscovered on an island in Galapagos in 2019, 113 years after it was last seen.

In September 2019, Tasmania’s Ministry of Industry, Parks, Water, and Environment (DPIPWE) published a document on eight visible but unverified cases in the previous three years. Some research groups interested in Tasmanian tigers even believe that the animal still wanders across the Australian continent, with occasional scenes taken as evidence.

Dr. Cath Temper, a mammal expert from the Museum of South Australia, said it was something extraordinary after such a sight.

"There has never been a specimen of Tasmanian tigers from the mainland. Although it remained in Tasmania until the 1930s, this species is thought to have been wiped out of the Australian continent about 3,000 years ago," said Dr. Cath Temper. emphasize.

Before new hopes, a study in 2017 showed the percentage of Tasmanian tigers still alive at 1.6 trillion per animal, while another study in 2018 disagreed at the rate. Arithmetic research and still sided with Tasmanian tigers probably extinct.

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