Aliens have appeared in the Apollo 9 mission?

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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The aliens hunters believe they have discovered a “UFO fleet“ has passed through the Moon through the recorded images from the Apollo 9 mission in 1969.
Aliens have appeared in the Apollo 9 mission?

The Apollo 9 mission saw three NASA astronauts fly into orbit in 10 days as a test flight before Apollo 11 mission, witnessing the first people to land on the Moon.

While NASA’s three astronauts are in orbit, they take pictures of the Moon and conspiracy theorists believe they have discovered something strange in some of the pictures taken.

The famous conspiracy theorist Scott C Waring analyzed images from NASA astronauts and discovered what he believed to be a UFO "fleet" passing through the Moon.

To prove his discovery, the famous alien hunter posted on his ET Database blog: "UFOs longer than 2-3 km are seen by pilots and other witnesses and "I myself have reported UFOs in NASA images on the lunar surface about 10km longer than the nearby crater."

Image is said to be the "fleet" UFO.

Some conspiracy theorists even suggest that the Moon could be occupied by aliens, which is why NASA hasn’t returned since the end of the Apollo missions in the 1970s.

However, refuting this view, NASA recently announced its desire to establish a permanent base on the Moon, with missions expected to take place in 2024.

NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine stated that he wanted to set up the base on the Moon and call upon the best of the US industry to help design and develop the human lunar lander.

NASA’s base is expected to be used as a transit point between Earth and Mars and will allow astronauts to study the Moon in more detail in the future.

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