According to the researchers, urea, an ingredient in urine, can be used to create stable structures on the Moon.
The idea of colonizing the Moon has taken place in recent years. NASA plans to launch a manned mission to Earth’s satellites by 2024, while tech tycoon Elon Musk says that humanity needs to build bases on it. However, the occupation of the Moon poses a number of challenges. One of them is to build settlements there. While settlements on the Moon are expensive.
According to a recent survey, transporting only about 0.45 kg to orbit has cost about 10,000 USD. Therefore, NASA, ESA and other space agencies are promoting the use of on-site materials. The moon has many materials that can be used to build buildings however, this process requires large amounts of chemicals and water to be transported to Earth’s satellites.
According to scientists, mixing urea with lunar regolith will create structures that can withstand heavy weight.
“We discovered the possibility of using urea as a chemical additive to build on the Moon. Samples containing superplastic-based materials mixed with urea or naphthalene can withstand heavy weight immediately after mixing, while maintaining an almost stable shape. Additives can be used to build a structure without noticeable deformation, "the study said.
With this idea, scientists have come closer to invading the Moon by solving the problem of building settlements on the lunar surface. The immediate problem to be addressed is the high radiation level, temperature fluctuations and the risk of collision with meteorites.