Pythons and death knights, unexpected results

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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The “terrible“ python discovered the leopard and attacked its prey, thinking it was a full meal but the result was completely unexpected.
Pythons and death knights, unexpected results

A dramatic battle between a python and a leopard takes place at Maasai Triangle Reserve in Kenya. The scene when a python attacks to try to eat a leopard has caught the camera lens of an animal photographer. Those who witnessed the battle said that the leopard will eventually be swallowed by the python because it has been clamped and squeezed by the python.


However, at the moment of birth and death, the leopard had escaped the snake and bit it back. Photographer Mike Welton, 28, was fortunate to be there to document this rare sight. The hunter finally became the prey again. 


The leopard jumped into the air, slapped the snake hard and bit its head in the last blow to finish it off. "We all initially thought, how we are witnessing how a beautiful leopard was killed. The python’s grip is awful and scary to imagine being killed this way," photographer Welton Mike shared.


"But the leopard escaped from the snake’s squeeze. We heard a very loud crackling sound that was likely the leopard that had bitten its skull. "It’s a pleasure to see the panther’s incredibly agile hunting skills. This is probably the death of its memory," Mike added.

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