The monastery complex on a sandstone column of 60 million years

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The Meteora complex consists of six famous monasteries, built on a 60 million-year-old sandstone column in Kalambaka, Greece.
The monastery complex on a sandstone column of 60 million years

Meteora is a monastic group formed on the top of vertical rock formations in the Pineios River valley in Thessaly, Kalambaka, Greece. The monasteries are built on an average height of 300 m. Some monasteries can be at altitudes of 550 m. Natural blocks of stone, formed about 60 million years ago, have diverse shapes.

The ascetics established the first monastery in the 14th century. It gradually became the richest and most prominent monastery in the region. Photo: Excursii reusite prin Sara Travel.

During Turkey’s 100-year occupation, these monasteries provided refuge for Greeks and rebels seeking independence. The frescoes decorate the walls of structures that mark an important stage in post-Byzantine art. Photo: Flickr.

Although 24 monasteries have been built, the population has only 6 monasteries, including Great Meteoron, Varlaam, Rousanou, St. Nicholas Anapausas, St. Stephen and Holy Trinity.

Before the 1920s, you had to go by risky rope ladders or sit in loose hanging baskets pulled by pulleys to reach the monastery. Photo: Greece High Definition.

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