Taylor Swift hired private photographers to combat se‌ּxual abuse

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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The 29-year-old singer said she had hired a team of photographers for herself, and the team also acted as her supervisor at shows to combat se‌ּxual abuse.
Taylor Swift hired private photographers to combat se‌ּxual abuse
The poetry of the country music genre is more confident in performing because there is a team of private hands playing a role of supervision and protection of her

Sharing on The Guardian , the country music singer said she hired a team of many photographers to take pictures for themselves at music performances and events. These hands are doing the tasks: taking photos for the female singer and protecting her from the green beards and "detectives" who can use photographs to accuse a some suspicious behavior for the voice of birth in 1989.

The power vocalist revealed on the Daily Mail that during the performances, the photography team were the ones who stood closest to her, watching her movements in a timely manner if fans or anyone else acted. suspicious.

For years, Lover singing voice lived in obsession of the past. She shared that she did not know what would happen, so it was better to defend herself first

Besides, the world’s best money-making voice in 2019 revealed, according to the agreement between her and the photographer team she hired, they were allowed to take more than half of her body a little. But what is remarkable is that she allows her team to focus on the hip area. It is also the place where the green bearers love to play in their corrupt games often.

The reason for Shake It Off singing is to hire a team of private photographers because she still haunts the past 6 years ago. Accordingly, in 2013, when appearing at an event in Colorado (USA) with radio host David Mueller and another friend, while photographing David Mueller touched behind the women’s third round. singer. Later, the Red voice sued the person to court with allegations of se‌ּxual abuse. The case came to an end in 2017, the singer won the case, she demanded David Mueller to pay $ 1, a symbolic amount and at the same time called for abused people like her to speak up.

The picture shows that Taylor Swift was abused in 2013, but she only asked for $ 1 in compensation, a symbolic amount

The singer felt like she had no anger towards her former bodyguard when she was abused by the green beard David Mueller. The 29-year-old singer shared, she and her team will follow the 2013 case. She said: "If it happens again, I will use the photos my team took to sue." Despite winning a lawsuit on past abuse, the young singer is still obsessed and always defends herself in many ways before performances.

Taylor Swift is one of the most famous voices in the US today, each 10 times won a Grammy, an Emmy award and many times won other prestigious international music awards . In early July 2011, Forbes magazine published a list of the best money-making stars of the past year, the owner of Guinness series of titles topped with as‌sets of up to 185 million USD. Currently, she makes the fans sit idly by launching a new Country Ballad MV called Lover . Besides, she also starred in the animated musical Cats directed by Tom Hooper, released in December this year.

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